Health Cardiovascular diseases
21st November 2015 10 December 2015 Simon Koorengevel 0 Comment American Heart Association, Cholesterol, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart attack, Heart Patient
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American Heart Association Research
During April 2001 an elaborate research was published by the American Heart Association under the name of “Lyon Diet Heart Study”.
Link to the research results
What does this research involve?
During this research two diets were tested, voluntarily, on a big group of experimental subjects with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases. Important in this research was the question whether there was a possible link between high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The experiments stopped prematurely as it appeared that the number of people with death risk as a result of cardiovascular diseases decreased by 70 % in case of high cholesterol levels. An unexpected outcome. The cause: the Mediterranean diet, which is described in this research.
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a molecule which enables the transportation of a healing agent in case of infections and lesions in your body. Once an infection or lesion develops in the body, the body receives a signal to repair the damage. Therefore, a high amount of cholesterol sends out a signal that a lot of damage has to be repaired in order to transport the necessary nutrients to the cells. Cholesterol is nothing more than a transportation material to transport these nutrients.
Read elsewhere:
Water does not cause a tsunami, but a tsunami will not occur without water.
The same applies to cardiovascular diseases.
Cholesterol does not cause cardiovascular diseases, but without cholesterol there would not be any cardiovascular diseases.